Speaker 6: Mdm. Teh Sook Ling (Malaysia)
Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC)
Topic: Transformation of TVET Ecosystem in Line with Industry Needs.
Speaker 7: Dr. Dadan Rahadian (Indonesia)
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Telcom University
Topic: Digitalization of TVET.
Speaker 8: Professor Madya Ts. Dr. Lai Chee Sern (Malaysia)
Deputy Director
Malaysia Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training (MyRIVET)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Topic: Challenges by TVET Institutions in Adapting to the Pace of Technological Advancements
Speaker 9: Dr. Laurent Da Dalto (France)
CEO & Founder MIMBUS
Topic: Evolving Learning Styles & Sustainable Learning.
Speaker 10: Prof. (Assoc) Dr. Franz Mathias Dunkel (Germany)
RWTH AACHEN University
Topic: Trainers’ Competencies.
Q&A Sub-theme 2